At Port Orchard Natural Medicine & Aesthetics, our team of healthcare specialists has helped thousands of patients in Silverdale and surrounding areas achieve better health with hormone replacement therapy.

Instead of relying on traditional synthetic hormones, we employ bioidentical hormones that are more natural and safer.

Hormone pellet therapy is the perfect solution for Silverdale residents who want to get a better night’s sleep and feel more energized in the morning. If you want to learn more about looking and feeling your best with hormone therapy in Silverdale, contact us today and our team will be glad to help.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/3″][vc_single_image image=”533″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center”][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner][vc_column_text]

What is Hormone Pellet Therapy?

Hormones are natural compounds created by our endocrine system. The endocrine system is made up of the adrenal, thyroid, parathyroid, and pituitary gland, as well as your pancreas. Additionally, this system also includes the ovaries or testicles depending on the patient’s gender.

One of the effects of aging is the slowing of the endocrine system, which in turn results in lower hormone levels. This can lead to a variety of symptoms, which include:

If you are experiencing one or more of these symptoms, get in touch with our team and we’ll schedule a consultation to find out if hormone pellets are right for you.


Different Types of Hormone Therapy

Hormone treatments can be defined as medical therapies where practitioners introduce new hormones in order to bring balance to the body. There are several hormones delivery methods you can choose from, which include:

While each one has unique characteristics, hormone pellet therapy stands out because it’s effective, simple, and provides lasting results.


Hormone Pellets Explained

Hormone pellets are placed under the deeper layers of the skin through a fast and painless procedure. When placed under the skin, these pellets will release a consistent amount of hormones over several months, giving you a body-wide boost.

Our pellets are designed to dissolve slowly and they contain bioidentical hormones that are released as your body needs them.


Are Pellets More Beneficial Than Other Types of Hormone Therapy?

The main benefit of hormone pellet therapy is its ability to gradually release the necessary compounds that your body needs. When using patches, injections, and other methods, the entire dosage of hormones is absorbed by the body over a relatively short period of time. This can exacerbate side effects, producing mood swings and other uncomfortable symptoms.

Pellets are also incredibly convenient because you only need to see a specialist every few months. Other methods require monthly trips to the pharmacy, injections, patch-changing schedules, or daily applications, so they are not as easy as pellet therapy. With hormone pellets, women only have to see a specialist every 3 months, and men can book appointments every 6 months.

Because it’s not topically applied or ingested orally, a hormone pellet does not pose a contamination risk to your family and loved ones. Patches, creams, and pills can all affect the people around you, so they need to be handled with extreme care.

Interestingly enough, our Silverdale hormone therapy experts also notice that, in some patients, hormone pellet therapy side-effects are not as severe as with other delivery methods.


Determining if Hormone Pellet Therapy is Ideal for You

Although hormone pellet therapy is very convenient, it’s not a suitable alternative for everyone. The best way to find out if you qualify for this type of treatment is to consult with a hormone specialist in your area.

Additionally, we’ll go over a few different ways to determine if you’re a good candidate for hormone pellets.


Ideal Candidates for Pellet Therapy

Read the statements below and answer them with a “yes” or “no.”

If you answered “yes” to all of these questions, then you’re likely a great candidate for pellet therapy.

*Please note: Although pellets may be slightly more expensive than other methods, the cost may be the same in some scenarios. It depends if your insurance covers hormone replacement therapy or not.


Who Should Avoid Pellet Hormone Therapy?
Read the statements below and answer them with a “yes” or “no.”

If the answer to all of these questions is “yes” then you should not opt for any type of hormone replacement therapy, especially pellets.

*Please note: Hormone replacement therapy has been shown to reduce fertility in men, but hormones do not affect fertility in women.


Frequently Asked Questions About Hormone Pellets

As one of the leading hormone pellet therapy providers in Silverdale, we receive a lot of questions about this type of therapy from patients that are not familiar with this option.

Some of the most frequently asked questions we receive include:


How are Synthetic and Bioidentical Hormones Different?

As the name suggests, bioidentical hormones are the same as the natural hormones found in your body. Synthetic hormones, on the other hand, are manufactured through a chemical process by large conglomerates that bind to receptors in your body, but they are not the same as the compounds produced by your endocrine system.

Patients who opt for bioidentical hormones keep foreign chemicals out of their bodies and may find it easier to achieve their goals. This is the reason why Port Orchard Natural Medicine & Aesthetics does not offer synthetic alternatives as we believe that bioidentical hormones are the best choice.


How Are Hormone Levels Tested?

The method for testing hormone levels can vary depending on the delivery channel. Some are as simple as a saliva test while others require a blood sample. For pellet therapy, patients need to get a simple blood test to determine current hormone levels and ideal dosage.


When Will I Start Seeing Results?

Each patient is different, so the results will depend on the severity of the aging signs being treated. Some patients will see improvements after the first week, while others may have to wait up to two months to see the results of the therapy.


Can Bioidentical Pellets Be Used for Other Conditions?

In addition to the signs of aging we discussed earlier on this page, hormone pellets can also be used to address symptoms associated with a variety of different conditions. These include:


Does Hormone Pellet Therapy Hurt?

Many patients are intimidated by the idea of having a small pellet inserted under the skin, but there’s nothing to worry about. The pellets are inserted through a relatively painless procedure that doesn’t even need to be stitched up.


The Port Orchard Natural Medicine & Aesthetics Hormone Pellet Therapy Process

At Port Orchard Natural Medicine & Aesthetics, we take an organized approach to hormone pellet therapy. Our process follows this order:

  1. Make an appointment with Dr. Rachel Robertson, our clinic’s naturopathic doctor. She will take the time to explain the options you have available and once you understand all of them, you can choose the best option for you.
  2. We need to conduct a few tests to ensure that hormone pellet therapy is ideal for you. A blood sample will also help us determine your current hormone levels and ideal dosage.
  3. Once we have the ideal dosage, it’s time to proceed with the insertion procedure.
  4. Pellet insertion is quick and painless as Dr. Robertson will numb your hip to perform the procedure.*
  5. After one month, you’ll return for a second consultation to determine how you feel and possibly run additional tests to determine the success of the treatment.

*Please note: The area where the implant is placed will be bandaged, so you need to avoid sitting in water for three days after the procedure. Additionally, women should refrain from vigorous exercise for three days while men should avoid physical activities for seven days.


Areas We Serve:

Gig Harbor


Begin the Journey to Restoring Your Hormones Today

Thanks to Dr. Robertson’s 20 years of experience and our passionate team of healthcare specialists, Port Orchard Natural Medicine & Aesthetics has earned a reputation as one of the top hormone replacement therapy providers in Silverdale.

If you want to learn more about giving your body a hormone boost, contact us and book a consultation today.


Other Services We Offer in Silverdale:

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy Silverdale
Hormone Pellet Therapy Silverdale
Ideal Protein Silverdale
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